Dealing With Noise Complaints

Dealing With Noise Complaints

Dealing With Noise ComplaintsOne of the possible challenges you’ll encounter as a landlord is dealing with tenant complaints. The most common cause of complaints is noise that disturbs the peace and prevents tenants and neighbors the right to quiet enjoyment.As a landlord, it’s your responsibility to address these issues and conflicts among tenants and neighbors to maintain a positive living environment in the area. 

Assess the Validity of the Complaint

When dealing with noise complaints, it’s crucial that you confirm if the complaint is justifiable. It’s your duty as a landlord to look at all sides of the story and assess if the issue being raised is valid.It’s important to be well-versed with local and federal laws that govern noise disturbance. This way, you can handle the situation fairly and take the necessary actions when the need arises. Understanding the rules allows you to know what the next steps are and allows you to figure out whether you need to act or not. It’s necessary that you use sound judgment when assessing the validity of the complaint.

Noisy Behavior

Tenants walking around a multi-level building is something to be expected. If tenants staying in the upper level are running around, stomping, or dragging furniture, however, it’s going to be bothersome for the downstairs occupants. If any of these activities are heard during quiet hours, it can be considered disrespectful.

Heated Arguments

Couples or family members can sometimes have differences that could lead to arguments. What makes it unacceptable is when the heated debate can be heard in nearby homes or units. SCUDO-Real-Estate-and-Property-Management-argument-tenantsWhen the squabble becomes disruptive and breaks the peace on the property, this merits an intervention.

Pet Noises

If you rent to tenants with pets, pet noises like meowing or the occasional barking are normal. Pets that are left unattended, however, could make continuous noise.A common pet sound that calls a neighbor’s attention is a dog’s non-stop barking. Barking is normal for dogs, but when it’s loud and continuous, it could be a nuisance to a neighbor.

Loud Parties

Hosting family gatherings with mellow music and normal noise levels is perfectly fine. When the visitors become boisterous, however, this can disrupt somebody else’s meal or relaxation. This isn’t being neighborly and could push neighbors to complain.

What to Do When Complaints Are Invalid

Good judgment is needed when a noise complaint is presented to you. Don’t easily jump into conclusions and take the complainant’s word for it. The report could be an invalid complaint, so you have to be cautious and fair when handling any types of complaints. You can do the following to avoid mismanaging the complaint in question:

  • Listen: Let the person making the complaint finish and tell their side of the story. Thank them for sharing their feedback, and show them some empathy.
  • Investigate: You can be objective when you know all sides of the story by conducting your own investigation. Collect information from all parties and witnesses, if applicable. Gather any proof that could support the incident.
  • Explain Your Assessment: Once all evidence and information has been analyzed carefully, share your findings with the tenants and communicate your conclusion.


  • Assure and Educate: Acknowledge the complainant’s concerns and assure them that you take any feedback seriously and will continue to monitor the situation. Be true to your promise by keeping lines of communication open. Share the policies and clarify any confusions related to noise disturbances.
  • Document: Avoid disputes by making sure that all incident reports are recorded. Documentation can protect you in case the issue escalates from a simple grievance to a formal complaint.
  • Review Noise Policies: Stay updated on noise regulations and make sure that the lease agreement is also consistent with the laws. Ensure that all residents are properly informed, and all misconceptions are clarified.

What to Do When Complaints Are Valid

Some noise disturbances are complaint-worthy and are indeed valid. Once you’ve proven that your tenant has violated someone else's quiet enjoyment, it’s time to nip the problem in the bud. Always conduct careful investigation before speaking with the responsible party. Be objective by showing them how you arrived at the conclusion and why the complaint is valid. Discuss the negative impact on the neighbors and highlight the importance of promoting a harmonious and friendly environment for everyone.Offer realistic solutions in eliminating the cause of the noise issue. Be clear and firm with the expectations regarding acceptable noise levels and specify quiet hours and other rules related to it. Stay on top of the issue and continue to monitor the situation.SCUDO-Real-Estate-and-Property-Management-noise-complaintIf the issue repeats itself, it’s time to enforce the consequences and proceed to the next step. Keep all lines of communication open and always address any future complaints promptly to maintain a good relationship with your tenants

Bottom Line

Noise complaints can be an issue if not prevented from the beginning. It’s important to draft a solid lease agreement on noise policies that is easy to understand and follow. If your tenant chooses to disrespect your other tenants and neighbors, you can always refer to the agreement first and give a fair warning before proceeding with formal complaints. If you’re a landlord who needs help in addressing noise complaints, let us at SCUDO Real Estate & Property Management do it on your behalf!When you partner with us, we’ll make sure that your property is a comfortable place to live in. Let us manage your tenants and properties! Contact us today!
