Blog Post July-2014 Newsletter

July-2014 Newsletter

It’s the first of July, and summer is in full swing! Although summertime is typically thought of as a time to relax, if your family is anything like ours, your days are booked! We find ourselves scurrying around between tennis practices, vacation bible school, BBQs & su...
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Blog Post Millennials on the Move

Millennials on the Move

There’s no denying the constant buzz that has been surrounding “Millennials” lately. Every industry is dedicating increasing amounts of budgets trying to figure this diverse, forward thinking age bracket out. Whether is Restaurateurs, large chain stores, or the ...
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Blog Post Millennials are finding KC a friendly place to be

Millennials are finding KC a friendly place to be

You can find them where there’s live music, trendy food, an affordable home and a friendly environment where they feel they can make a difference. And in some very encouraging ways, both statistically and in the mysterious world of “buzz,” the Kansas City area i...
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Blog Post We'd give you the shirt off our back…

We'd give you the shirt off our back…

sugarmoonkids for the awesome new shirts!! Even our littlest members can enjoy!  sugarmoonkids is a KC local Owner, see more of her designs HERE]]>
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